Behind the Picture – Japheth 21438

A Bit About Japheth!

This is Japheth! He is an 8-year-old boy who lives in Nairobi, Kenya, with his parents and seven siblings. Japheth’s mother is very sick and is unable to work. His father works a little but spends most of the money he makes on drugs. His father is also an alcoholic and is hostile towards Japheth and his family when he is drunk. Sadly, Japheth and his whole family are traumatized from the violence their father has shown them.

Japheth loves football (soccer), eating chapati and beans, playing with his best friend Mumo and his favorite bible verse is Hebrews 13:6. Japheth would like to be an architect when he grows up to design and draw big, beautiful houses.

A Bit About Nairobi, Kenya!

Kenya is located in East Africa and is a very diverse place. It touches the Indian Ocean and is mostly desert and mountainous.

Japheth lives in Nairobi, Kenya which is the largest city in Kenya and has the population of 4.4 million people. 2.5 million of those people live within the slums of Nairobi. The Kibera slums are the largest slums in Kenya and one of the biggest in the world. The temperature is anywhere from the low 60s to high 80s and they experience both a dry and a wet season.

The homes in Kenya are usually made of mud or corrugated metal sheets and the terrain is typically very rocky and dry. The children within our Kenyan CarePoints rarely have electricity or running water in their home, so they have lots of long walks in all types of weather to the nearest well or other water source.

How to Pray for Japheth!

  1. Please pray for Japheth and his family members. Pray that God would use their past hardships for His glory and their good!
  2. Pray that God would Give Japheth a good life and that his family would be able to afford their daily basic needs and keep them all healthy and safe.
  3. Please pray that Japheth’s father would be convicted of his sins and that he would turn from drugs, alcohol and abuse. Please pray that Japheth and his family would no longer be affected by his poor decision, but that Japheth would see his worth in Christ and His fatherly, unending love for him.
  4. Pray that Japheth’s mother would be healed from her sickness and that she will be able to find a good job where she is able to provide for the family.
  5. Lastly, please pray that Japheth would be sponsored and that he would be given hope through sponsorship. Pray that God would bring the perfect sponsor for Japheth and that they would have an amazing and lasting relationship. Most importantly, please pray that all of this would ultimately lead him to Christ.

Click the link below to sponsor Japheth today!

Click here!


Fulfilling the Great Commission through Sponsorship: Sharing the Gospel with Christ’s Hope

Have you ever considered that by donating, sponsoring a child, or partnering with Christ’s Hope, you are actively participating in the Great Commission? As Christians, we are called to make disciples of all nations, and through Christ’s Hope, you have the remarkable opportunity to do so while also caring for children in Africa. By joining the global body of Christ in this mission, you can make a tangible impact on lives right from home. 

The Great Commission: A Call to Action 

In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus gave His followers a profound mandate known as the Great Commission: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” This divine instruction transcends time and geography, encouraging believers to spread the Good News to every corner of the world. But what if your circumstances prevent you from physically traveling to these distant places? This is where Christ’s Hope steps in. 

Christ’s Hope: Bridging the Gap 

At Christ’s Hope, our mission is to empower orphaned and vulnerable children to break the cycle of extreme poverty, AIDS and spiritual brokenness through family-based care and discipleship in Jesus Christ. By donating, sponsoring a child, or partnering with us, you become part of a movement that actively engages with the global body of Christ and brings the Gospel to those who may have never encountered it otherwise. 

Sponsorship: An Act of Sharing the Gospel 

One of the most impactful ways to be part of Christ’s Hope’s mission is through Child Sponsorship. When you sponsor a child, you’re not only providing them with access to education, healthcare, and basic necessities, but you are also ensuring that they are being discipled in Jesus’ name. Your support often leads to a chain reaction – the child brings what they have learned home to their family and loved ones, creating a ripple effect of transformation within their community. 

Global Missions from Your Home 

While some are called to travel to foreign lands for global missions physically, many are called to serve within their local communities. Christ’s Hope recognizes that you can be an ambassador for Christ both near and far. Through our child sponsorship program, you’re granted a unique opportunity to share the Gospel and pray for someone from a different culture, language, and background – right from the comfort of your home. 

Impact Beyond Borders 

When you partner with Christ’s Hope, you’re contributing to a cause that reaches across continents and cultures. The impact of your generosity goes beyond what meets the eye – it transforms lives, nurtures faith, and extends the love of Christ to those who need it the most. By embracing this partnership, you’re not just making a financial contribution but becoming a vessel through which, the Great Commission is fulfilled, and the love of Christ is shared. 

Answering the Call 

Christ’s Hope offers an invitation to align your heart with the Great Commission. You’re making disciples and spreading the Gospel to all corners of the earth through your support. Your partnership allows you to touch lives, break cycles, and evangelize to those who desperately need the love of Christ. 

So, have you ever thought about it this way? By sponsoring a child or partnering with Christ’s Hope, you’re embracing the call to make disciples of all nations. You’re sharing the Gospel with individuals who may have remained beyond your reach and fostering a love that transcends borders. Join the global body of Christ and be a part of something greater – be a part of fulfilling the Great Commission with us, through Christ’s Hope. 

Feeling led to sponsor a child? Click the link below to view our children in need of a sponsor!

Click here!


Behind the Picture – Maimuna 20679

We hope that through our “behind the picture” blog posts, you will learn more about our children’s lives, be better equipped to pray for their personal struggles, and that one of their stories will touch you and ultimately lead to sponsorship.

A Bit About Maimuna!

This is Maimuna! She is a 7 year old girl who lives in Kisumu, Kenya, and lives with her grandparents and five cousins. Maimuna’s father died and her mother works in a house in a different town. Her mother help financially on occasion but Maimuna’s grandparents are too old to work aside from a little bit of farming.

Maimuna loves reading, writing, listening to Bible stories and athletics. Her favorite food is rice and beans and she helps around the house by cooking. Maimuna’s best friend’s name is Celestine and her favorite Bible verse is John 3:16. Lastly, Mainmuna would like to be a Doctor to treat the sick.

A Bit About Kisumu, Kenya!

Kenya is located in East Africa and is a very diverse place. It touches the Indian Ocean and is mostly desert and mountainous.

Maimuna lives in Kisumu, Kenya which is the third largest city in Kenya. The temperature is anywhere from the low 60s to high 80s and they experience both a dry and a wet season. The homes in Kisumu, Kenya are usually made of mud and corrugated metal sheets and the terrain is typically very rocky and dry. The children within our Kenyan CarePoints rarely have electricity or running water in their home, so they have lots of long walks in all types of weather to the nearest well or other water source.

How to Pray for Maimuna!

  1. Please pray for Maimuna, her grandparents and her cousins. Pray that God would use their past hardships for His glory and their good. Pray that they would have strength and guidance.
  2. Pray for Maimuna’s mother and that God would bless her. Pray that her mother would take an interest in Maimuna and that she would care for her and support her.
  3. Pray that Maimuna would stay safe and healthy.
  4. Pray that God would help Maimuna do well in school and that she would continue to learn and grow.
  5. Lastly, please pray that Maimuna would be sponsored and that she would be given hope through sponsorship. Pray that God would bring the perfect sponsor for Maimuna and that they would have an amazing and lasting relationship. Most importantly, please pray that all of this would ultimately lead her to Christ.

Click the link below to sponsor Maimuna today!

Click here!


You’re Never too Young to Sponsor a Child

The Ferrer family recently started sponsoring two children from Christ’s Hope, a little girl for their daughter and a little boy for their son.  

“Earlier this year, the Lord stirred a desire in me to cultivate in our family a heart for the nations and the global Church. It’s so easy to insulate ourselves into a Christian bubble and I began to realize that my kids’ understanding of the body of Christ was limited to the fellowship of local believers that we are a part of here in our community. I wanted them to understand how much bigger God’s family is than that, and I also wanted them to understand how blessed they are to grow up in godly community, with a healthy father and mother, and with abundant food, clothing, shelter, and education.  

So, we began to have conversations with our kids about the global body of Christ.  I soon realized how beneficial it would be to put a “face” to these conversations and ideas, so I began to research Gospel-centered child sponsorship programs. We landed on Christ’s Hope because it encourages close relationships and correspondence with the sponsor children, because it is a smaller organization than some of the other options out there (we specifically wanted to sow into a mid-scale ministry rather than a huge one), and because its mission is to give children not just “hope”, but Christ’s Hope, the living Hope that comes only from knowing Jesus. 

I  showed my kids the Christ’s Hope website and explained how the sponsorship model works. I then asked them to go to a quiet place and spend a few moments praying, asking God to lead them to the child He wanted them to sponsor. We sat together and scrolled through the list of children needing sponsors. Lila chose Joy, saying because I don’t have a little sister, so she can be like my little sister. Josiah chose Tyron because he’s 4 like me. We printed out Joy and Tyron’s photos, and they now live on our fridge 🙂 

Without being reminded Lila and Josiah both, pray for their sponsored children regularly, before meals, at bedtime, throughout the day. My son often prays, ‘God, please help Joy’s daddy know You.’ It has opened a whole new opportunity for learning about what life is like for children who don’t have the same privileges as they do. Questions like, ‘Mama, what does Joy eat for breakfast?’ are a great lead-in to talking about how many children don’t have enough food to eat, and Jesus cares about that, which is why Christ’s Hope doesn’t just feed Joy and Tyron with the Truth about Jesus, they feed their bodies with good food too!  

We are so thankful for Christ’s Hope and the many ways that our family has been blessed through our sponsorships just in the few months since they began. We’re looking forward to building these relationships for years to come!” 

We would encourage you to sponsor a child for your own child to build a relationship with. Give your child someone to pray for and care for in hopes that your child and your sponsor child will grow up encouraging one another Godward.

Want to sponsor a child for your own child? Click the link below!

Click here!


Behind the Picture – Joshua 10923

A Bit About Joshua!

This is Joshua! He is a 12 year old boy who lives in Mwanza, Tanzania with his Mother and two siblings. 

Joshua loves playing football (soccer), eating chips with chicken, and playing at the CarePoint. His favorite Bible verse is Luke 19:10, and his best friend is Dickson. Joshua aspires to be a soldier when he grows up! 

A Bit About Mwanza, Tanzania!

Tanzania is located in East Africa and is located in the African Great Lakes region. Tanzania is home to Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa. 

Joshua lives in Mwanza, Tanzania which to the locals is also known as the “Rock City”. Mwanza touches Lake Victoria and is the second largest city in Tanzania with a population of 1,182,000 people as of 2021. Fishing is one of the most common occupations in this region due to its location. The climate is a tropical savanna with a wet season lasting from May to October and the temperature stays around 75 degrees year-round.

Most people in Mwanza rent a single room that lacks basic amenities like water and electricity. The homes are often made of brick, mud, and corrugated metal sheets. Mwanza has many inconsistent job opportunities where the pay does not consistently meet their daily needs. Due to the proximity to Lake Victoria, the population is rapidly growing resulting in a spike in crime, children being left on the streets, and the price of housing rising.

How to Pray for Joshua!

  1. Please pray for the safety and health of Joshua and his family.
  2. Pray that God would Give Joshua a good life and that his family would be able to afford their daily basic needs.
  3. Pray that Joshua would do well at school and that God would lead him in every aspect of his life.
  4. Lastly, please pray that Joshua would be sponsored and that he would be given hope through sponsorship. Pray that God would bring the right sponsor for him and that they would have a strong and lasting relationship. Most importantly, please pray that all of this would ultimately lead Joshua to Christ.

Click the link below to sponsor Joshua today!

Click here!


Take a Look at What the Kids in Uganda are Up To

We love to teach the children at our CarePoint valuable lessons that will lead them to Christ. They are taught stories from the Bible, what it means to follow Jesus, how to be a good friend and member of the community and even how to be a part of a local church.

These are invaluable lessons that are vital in a child’s life, but we also want to teach them lessons that will help them in their daily life as well as their spiritual life!

Take a look at what the children in Uganda have been learning lately!

Growing and harvesting bananas!

Growing a garden at their CarePoint and farming vegetables!

Raising and selling rabbits!

Praising and worshiping together!

Learning to cook!

Learning how to grow produce at home to eat and sell!

Taking communion together!

We are so thankful for the work that is being done in Uganda and in all other six countries Christ’s Hope serves in!

Want to get involved? 

Click the button below to see how you can get involved!


Behind the Picture – Maryanne 20733

We hope that through our “behind the picture” blog posts, you will learn more about our children’s lives, be better equipped to pray for their personal struggles, and that one of their stories will touch you and ultimately lead to sponsorship.

A Bit About Maryanne!

This is Maryanne! She is a 12 year old girl who lives in Kisumu, Kenya, and lives with her grandparents. Maryanne’s father left when he found out that her mother was pregnant with Maryanne. Her mother became depressed and later passed away. Maryanne was left in the care of her grandparents. Her grandfather is retired and her grandmother is a vegetable farmer. Three of Maryanne’s cousins also live with her and her grandparents so they really struggle financially. They often struggle to have enough food during the dry season and planting season.

Maryanne loves athletics, singing and music in general. Her favorite food is fried chicken, ugali and chapati and her favorite Bible story is the story of Elijah because he loved God well. Maryanne would like to be a teacher when she grows up and she helps around the house by cleaning utensils and mopping.

A Bit About Kisumu, Kenya!

Kenya is located in East Africa and is a very diverse place. It touches the Indian Ocean and is mostly desert and mountainous.

Maryanne lives in Kisumu, Kenya which is the third largest city in Kenya. The temperature is anywhere from the low 60s to high 80s and they experience both a dry and a wet season. The homes in Kisumu, Kenya are usually made of mud and corrugated metal sheets and the terrain is typically very rocky and dry. The children within our Kenyan CarePoints rarely have electricity or running water in their home, so they have lots of long walks in all types of weather to the nearest well or other water source.

How to Pray for Maryanne!

  1. Please pray for Maryanne and her grandparents and cousins. Pray that God would use their past hardships for His glory and their good. Pray that they would have strength and guidance.
  2. Pray that God would help Maryanne do well in school and that she would continue to learn and grow.
  3. Lastly, please pray that Maryanne would be sponsored and that she would be given hope through sponsorship. Pray that God would bring the perfect sponsor for Maryanne and that they would have an amazing and lasting relationship. Most importantly, please pray that all of this would ultimately lead her to Christ.

Click the link below to sponsor Maryanne today!

Click here


Tailoring Project

Our CarePoints often have specialty programs where the kids learn special life skills to prepare them for life after graduation. We want these children to have the skills and tools they need to support themselves and their families. The specialty programs teach them a wide variety of things like: soap making, gardening, sewing, and so much more.

Uganda recently started a tailoring project in their specialty program and now, three weeks later, the students at the CarePoint showcased the things they made!

Slide through the pictures below to see their fashion show!


Behind the Picture – Seldon 21249

We hope that through our “behind the picture” blog posts, you will learn more about our children’s lives, be better equipped to pray for their personal struggles, and that one of their stories will touch you and ultimately lead to sponsorship.

A Bit About Seldon!

This is Seldon! He is a 9 year old boy who lives in Kisumu, Kenya, and lives with his grandmother and grandfather. Seldon’s father is not around and his mother is mentally ill, so the grandparents are his sole guardians even though they are old often very sick.

Seldon loves playing soccer and making model cars, eating beef and cornmeal, and his favorite Bible story is Genesis 1 because he loves the story of creation. Seldon would like to be a driver when he grows up and he helps around the house by grazing the goats and sweeping.

A Bit About Nairobi, Kenya!

Kenya is located in East Africa and is a very diverse place. It touches the Indian Ocean and is mostly desert and mountainous.

Seldon lives in Kisumu, Kenya which is the third largest city in Kenya. The temperature is anywhere from the low 60s to high 80s and they experience both a dry and a wet season. The homes in Kisumu, Kenya are usually made of mud and corrugated metal sheets and the terrain is typically very rocky and dry. The children within our Kenyan CarePoints rarely have electricity or running water in their home, so they have lots of long walks in all types of weather to the nearest well or other water source.

How to Pray for Seldon!

  1. Please pray for Seldon and his family members. Pray that God would use their hardships for His glory and their good.
  2. Pray that God would Give Seldon a good life and that His grandparents would be able to afford their daily basic needs and keep them all healthy and safe.
  3. Please pray that Seldon would do incredibly well in school and that he would continue to grow and learn more every day.
  4. Lastly, please pray that Seldon would be sponsored and that he would be given hope through sponsorship. Pray that God would bring the perfect sponsor for Andrew and that they would have an amazing and lasting relationship. Most importantly, please pray that all of this would ultimately lead him to Christ.

Click the link below to sponsor Seldon!

Click here!


Take a Trip to Africa With Us!

Have you ever wanted to take a trip to Africa? Well, we have TWO upcoming trips that we would LOVE for you to join in on!

Alan Van Sloten, the US fund development strategist, will be leading the vision trips to Africa this upcoming year. He is a fantastic guide, and visits often. His most recent travel has been in 2015, 2018, and 2023. 

What would a potential trip to Africa involve? 

  • CarePoint visits – during your time at the CarePoint you will see the children, their classes, have a meal, and play some games with them! This is a special time for sponsors to meet their sponsor child face to face and connect on a deeper level. 
  • Home visits – during this time, trip members will experience the neighborhoods and homes the children in our program live in. This is an eye-opening and life altering time. You may even meet the family your sponsor child lives with, including their siblings and guardian. 
  • Vacation Bible School (VBS) or Family camps – We highly encourage our trip members to put on a VBS or group activity for the children. For many of the children, this is a way they experience love and learn about their worth in the Lord. 
  • Lastly with a Safari! – Wencourage this adventure to truly experience the beauty of Africa and see God’s creation through the incredible landscapes, animals, and experience the culture in a unique way. 

The difference between a mission trip and a vision trip: 

  • Mission trip: Going to serve the needs at a given CarePoint. Some of these needs may be pouring into the staff and children spiritually, building, or helping check up on the children medically.  
  • Vision trip: Going to learn more about our CarePoints and the work that Christ’s Hope is doing in Africa.  

The average cost to go on a vision trip is $3,500. We recommend that you raise support for this trip by sending letters to family, friends, and loved ones asking them to help support through prayer and funding. The Lord works in incredible ways, and He has continually blessed the people looking to raise funds for our trips. Praise the Lord! 

If you have been contemplating, going on a trip to Africa with Christ’s Hope then this is your chance! Please consider joining us for this life-altering experience.  

We will be hosting a meeting for potential trip attendees and would love to answer any questions you may have about traveling with Christ’s Hope. Please click the link below to sign up for upcoming trip meetings.  

Click the link below to learn more or sign up for our trip meetings!

Click here!
