Get Involved!

Join us in discipling and caring for orphans and vulnerable children in Africa!

Sponsor A Child

Give hope in the form of regular meals, school fees, mentoring, tutoring, access to medical care, discipleship in Jesus Christ, and so much more!

Join in Prayer

Join our prayer list to receive regular updates and specific prayer requests for orphaned and vulnerable children in Africa!


Make a difference! Your $50 donation can support an orphan or vulnerable child with education, nutritious meals, the Gospel, and so much more.

Become A Christ's Hope Champion

A Christ’s Hope Champion ensures sustainability and provides the flexibility to address urgent and unforeseen challenges.

Other ways to get involved:

Visit Africa

Go and see what God is doing in Africa by serving on a short-term mission or vision trip in Africa! If interested, fill out the interest form using the link below.

Church Partner

Is your church looking for an opportunity to make a significant investment in the lives of children in Africa?

Art For Hope

Barry Barnett has so graciously donated his African artwork collection as a “Thank You” to those who donate through the “Feed the Children” Campaign!

Shop For Hope

Purchase Christ’s Hope Swag and all proceeds will go to caring for orphaned and vulnerable children in Africa!

Why Christ's Hope?

Christ’s Hope is part of the global Body of Christ discipling and caring for orphans and vulnerable children in Africa. Together, we are supporting their education, nurturing their physical and emotional well-being, keeping them in the care of their families and communities and, most importantly, teaching them the Gospel. Join us in empowering these children to break the cycles of extreme poverty!

“I am so passionate about the children I work with. I know Christ’s Hope is changing lives. I want to give everyone who supports a hug!” – Faith, CareGiver

“If you are looking for a way to get involved in a ministry that has a mission and vision to see the nations discipled with the good news of the Gospel, I cannot think of an organization I’d recommend more highly than Christ’s Hope.” – JJ, Pastor

“Our sponsored child knows Jesus. He writes to us and in our letters back to him, we encourage his faith and promise to pray for him. What a rewarding experience!” – Rick & Sharon, Child Sponsors

Thanks to the generous support of people like you, over 1,800 children are being cared for and receiving the Gospel.