Victoria’s Story

Victoria’s story begins in the slums of Mwanza, Tanzania, where life is a daily struggle. In Mwanza (nicknamed the “Rock City,” for its large granite rock formations and cliffs) many families living in poverty reside in makeshift shelters made of wood, mud, and corrugated iron sheets, often built precariously on rocky hillsides where land is cheaper but infrastructure is lacking. This poses challenges such as difficult access, crowded living conditions, and increased risk of landslides during heavy rains. 

In this already challenging environment, Victoria was born to a teenage mother who struggled to make ends meet, and she never knew her father. Growing up, Victoria had little hope for the future, much like her mother before her. 

In Victoria’s neighborhood, many children, like her, face the harsh reality of being unable to attend school due to their families’ financial struggles. Often, they must stay home to care for siblings, do chores, and take on odd jobs to help support their households. Without education, they become trapped in a cycle of poverty with little hope for change. 

For Victoria, education is not just important—it’s essential. In her community, speaking multiple languages is crucial, and learning about health can make a significant difference in staying safe in unsanitary conditions. Education offers Victoria the chance to break free from poverty, pursue a stable career, and build a brighter future. 

But there is hope! 

At the Christ’s Hope Ministry CarePoint, Victoria is given the tangible tools she needs like education, tutoring, school supplies, hygiene lessons, nutritious meals, access to medical care, counseling, skills training, Gospel teaching, and more! These tools enable her to flourish, not just survive.

By sponsoring a child like Victoria, you provide discipleship and transformative care that focuses on a child’s spiritual, physical, educational, emotional, and social development. 

We believe that the cycle of poverty can be broken, just like it was for Victoria!  

For just $48 /month, you can provide life-changing care!

Care for a child born into poverty, giving them the opportunity to create a future full of hope, rooted in Christ.

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A Bit About Pretty!

Pretty is a 9-year-old girl from Kampala, Uganda, and lives with her parents. Pretty helps out at home by sweeping and washing dishes. She loves going to school and learning, and her favorite Bible story is Jesus dying on the cross for our sins.

Pretty enjoys many things during his time at the Ministry CarePoint like, swinging on the swings, playing with her best friend Ruth, and learning literacy in school! She aspires to become a teacher one day.

By sponsoring a child like Pretty, you can continue encouraging her in the Gospel and caring for her like Jesus!

Will You Sponsor Pretty?

A Bit About Kampala, Uganda!

Uganda is located in East Africa and is a very diverse place. The equator passes through Uganda, making it a country with territory in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

Pretty lives in Kampala, Uganda which is the Capitol and the largest city in Uganda. The temperature is anywhere from the low 60s to 80s and is usually warm, muggy, and overcast. There are also 57 slums in Kampala and over two-thirds of Ugandans live in substandard housing due to the lack of affordable quality homes. These homes often lack proper infrastructure, sanitation, and basic amenities. Kampala is known for being covered in large hills and also has many swamps that cover 15% of the land area in Kampala.

How to Pray for Pretty!

  1. Please pray for the health and safety of Pretty and her family.
  2. Pray that they would all know and love God.
  3. Pray that God would give Pretty a good life and that her family would be able to afford their daily basic needs.
  4. Pray that Pretty will do well at school and that God will lead her in every aspect of her life.
  5. Lastly, please pray that Pretty will be sponsored and that she will be given hope through sponsorship. Pray that God would bring the right sponsor for her and that they would have a strong and lasting relationship.
  6. Most importantly, please pray that all of this will ultimately lead her to Christ!

Will You Sponsor Pretty?

From Orphan to Inspiration: Sara’s Journey Continues 

You may remember hearing about Sara in 2018… Look where she is now! 

In 2009, a young girl named Sara entered the Christ’s Hope program in the Democratic Republic of Congo. At nine years old, her life had been full of difficulty and food was scarce after the death of her father. Sara and her mother struggled to survive, but when her mother passed away, Sara was left an orphan, feeling more alone and vulnerable than ever. She moved in with her aunt, but still needed more care. 

Through the Christ’s Hope program, Sara was sponsored and started receiving regular meals, education, medical care, and Gospel teachings! This support gave her the hope and strength she needed to persevere. Sara embraced these teachings, growing into a zealous and Godly young woman. In 2015, she was baptized and began teaching Sunday School, sharing the lessons she learned with younger generations. She became the first child from the DRC to graduate from the Christ’s Hope program, equipped with the skills needed for a fruitful life. After completing her education at Trade School, she trained to be a seamstress, bought her own sewing machine, and is now excelling in her work, assisting coworkers and earning praise from her supervisor! 

So, Where Is She Now? 

Today, Sara provides for herself by designing, making, and, selling clothes! Her story is one of hope, proving that through Jesus, the right support can help children overcome even the most challenging circumstances. 

Inspire More Children, Like Sara! 

Your support can help more children like Sara break free from the chains of poverty and build futures rooted in the hope of Christ. By becoming a child sponsor for as little as $48 per month, you can provide a child with access to education and transformative care! 

Sponsor today and be a part of this incredible journey to break poverty and build hope! 

Click the link below to sponsor a child today!

Click here!

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A Bit About Wilshere!

Wilshere, a 10-year-old boy from Kisumu, Kenya, lives with his mother, father, and 6 siblings. His parents work at a rice farm and are the providers for their family. Wilshere helps out at home by looking after the cattle and he loves the color green! Wilshere has been waiting for a sponsor for a long time. While waiting, he has spent significant time in his Bible and particularly loves Psalm 12:1-7 and the story of Paul.

Wilshere enjoys many things during his time at the Ministry CarePoint like, playing football, reading, studying his Bible, eating rice with beans, and playing with his friends. He aspires to become a carpenter to make beautiful furniture one day.

By sponsoring a child like Wilshere, you can continue encouraging him in the Gospel and caring for him like Jesus!

How to Pray for Wilshere!

  1. Please pray for the health and safety of Wilshere and his family. He specifically asks for prayer for his mother and sister’s health.
  2. Pray that they would all know and love God.
  3. Pray that God would give Wilshere a good life and that his family could afford their daily basic needs.
  4. Pray that Wilshere will do well at school and that God will lead him in every aspect of his life.
  5. Lastly, please pray that Wilshere will be sponsored and that he will be given hope through sponsorship. Pray that God would bring the right sponsor for him and that they would have a strong and lasting relationship. Most importantly, please pray that all of this will ultimately lead him to Christ.

A Bit About Kisumu, Kenya!

Kenya is located in East Africa and is a very diverse place. It touches the Indian Ocean and is mostly desert and mountainous.

Maimuna lives in Kisumu, Kenya, the third largest city in Kenya. The temperature is anywhere from the low 60s to high 80s and they experience both a dry and a wet season. The homes in Kisumu, Kenya are usually made of mud and corrugated metal sheets and the terrain is typically very rocky and dry. The children within our Kenyan CarePoints rarely have electricity or running water in their homes, so they have lots of long walks in all types of weather to the nearest well or other water source.

Sponsor Wilshere Today!

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A Bit About Rashid!

Rashid, a 7-year-old boy from Mwanza, Tanzania, lives with his mother, father, and siblings. He helps around the house by cleaning. Rashid is newly recruited to his Ministry CarePoint but already loves the verse John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only son, that whoever shall believe in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

Rashid is a little shy but has a few favorite things at his Ministry CarePoint, like playing football, learning math, eating Ugali with Saldine, and playing with his friend Jackson! He aspires to become a teacher because he likes to help other students.

By sponsoring a child like Rashid, you can continue encouraging him in the Gospel and caring for him like Jesus!

How to Pray for Rashid!

  1. Please pray for the safety of Rashid and his family. Pray that they would all know and love God.
  2. Pray that God would give Rashid a good life and that his family would be able to afford their daily basic needs.
  3. Pray that Rashid will do well at school and that God will lead him in every aspect of his life.
  4. Lastly, please pray that Rashid will be sponsored and that he will be given hope through sponsorship. Pray that God would bring the right sponsor for him and that they would have a strong and lasting relationship. Most importantly, please pray that all this will ultimately lead him to Christ.

A Bit About Mwanza, Tanzania!

Tanzania is located in East Africa and is located in the African Great Lakes region. Tanzania is home to Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa.

Magreth lives in Mwanza, Tanzania, which to the locals is also known as the “Rock City.” Mwanza touches Lake Victoria and is the second largest city in Tanzania, with a population of 1,182,000 people as of 2021. Fishing is one of the most common occupations in this region due to its location. The climate is a tropical savanna with a wet season lasting from May to October, and the temperature stays around 75 degrees year-round.

Most people in Mwanza rent a single room in a “squatter settlement” that lacks basic amenities like water and electricity. The homes are often made of brick, mud, and corrugated metal sheets. Mwanza has many inconsistent job opportunities where the pay does not consistently meet their daily needs. Due to the proximity to Lake Victoria, the population is rapidly growing, resulting in a spike in crime, children being left on the streets, and the price of housing rising.

Sponsor a Child Today!

Kenya Flooding Relief

Join us in praying for and supporting the children, families, and communities impacted by the devastating floods currently plaguing Kenya. Reportedly, these floods and landslides have killed 181 people since March, with hundreds of thousands forced to leave their homes.

Over 77 of Christ’s Hope’s children and their families in Kenya have been impacted. Many of them, already afflicted by poverty, now find themselves without shelter.


Donate now to help us provide emergency food packages for the children and families who have been displaced by the floods in Kenya.

A donation of $50 can provide an emergency food package for a family impacted by the flood.

Join us in crying out to the Lord for the children, families, and communities impacted by the devastating floods currently plaguing Kenya. Reportedly, these floods and landslides have killed 181 people since March, with hundreds of thousands forced to leave their homes.

Over 77 of Christ’s Hope’s children and their families in Kenya have been impacted. Many of them, already afflicted by poverty, now find themselves without shelter.

We pray 2 Samuel 22:29-31, that the Lord would be the light in their darkness. That they would find protection and refuge in His true and perfect word.

“For you are my lamp, O Lord,
and my God lightens my darkness.
For by you I can run against a troop,
and by my God I can leap over a wall.
This God—his way is perfect;
the word of the Lord proves true;
he is a shield for all those who take refuge in him.”


We pray 2 Samuel 22:29-31, that the Lord would be the light in their darkness. That they would find protection and refuge in His true and perfect word.

“For you are my lamp, O Lord,
and my God lightens my darkness.
For by you I can run against a troop,
and by my God I can leap over a wall.
This God—his way is perfect;
the word of the Lord proves true;
he is a shield for all those who take refuge in him.”

If you feel moved to support our efforts, your contribution, no matter the size, would be deeply appreciated.

Thank you for your prayers and generosity!

Bianca’s Story

Meet Bianca, a sweet 8-year-old girl whose journey has been anything but easy. Orphaned at a young age, she found herself under the loving care of her grandmother, the sole provider for Bianca and four other children. Despite the hardships, Bianca remained faithful to God, and her spirit remained unbroken. 

A while back, Bianca was diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. She was bedridden and unable to attend school or the Ministry CarePoint. Without the help of Christ’s Hope, the vital surgery she needed would have been completely out of reach. Her grandmother, still mourning the loss of Bianca’s mother, was hesitant to agree to the surgery, fearing for her granddaughter’s safety. 

The Christ’s Hope staff came to pray with Bianca and her grandmother daily. After much prayer and counsel, Bianca’s grandmother finally agreed to the surgery. It changed everything for Bianca! With the support of Christ’s Hope and a generous donor, Bianca received the surgery to help her illness, was able to attend a rehab facility multiple times a week, and found a community that cared for her, prayed for her daily, and embraced her with open arms.

Now, thanks to the generosity of her sponsor, the love of her Christ’s Hope CareGivers, and a special donor who contributed for her rehabilitation, Bianca is thriving. She’s back in school, playing with friends, and living life as a kid should! Bianca’s favorite story in the Bible is the story of Hannah. Just like Hannah, despite her difficult circumstances, Bianca remained faithful to God, and God blessed her!

Bianca’s journey is a testament to the incredible impact of God working through the faithful sponsors, donors, supporters and staff of Christ’s Hope to achieve our mission of empowering orphaned and vulnerable children to break the cycle of extreme poverty, transform lives and giving hope where it’s needed most. 

*For their safety and privacy, names have been changed.

Help give another child just like Bianca a better life!

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UPDATE AND PRAISE: Magreth has been sponsored! If you are interested in sponsoring a child like Magreth, click here.


A Bit About Magreth!

Magreth, an 11-year-old girl from Mwanza, Tanzania, has faced hardships at a young age. Her brother, the family’s sole provider, does odd jobs around town while she helps her mom at home by fetching water and cleaning. Despite their struggles, Magreth has found hope in Christ. She says Jesus is her favorite person because he saved us from our sins and loves John 14:6, which says, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Magreth finds joy in the little things at the Ministry CarePoint, like playing handball, eating Ugali, and playing with her friend Irene. She aspires to become a nurse because she loves helping others, like Jesus did.

By sponsoring a child like Magreth, you can continue encouraging her in the Gospel and caring for her like Jesus!

How to Pray for Magreth!

1. Please pray for the safety of Magreth and her family. Pray that they would all know and love God.

2. Pray that God would give Magreth a good life and that her family would be able to afford their daily basic needs.

3. Pray that Magreth will do well at school and that God will lead her in every aspect of her life.

4. Magreth specifically asked for prayer that she would be a good child of God!

5. Lastly, please pray that Magreth will be sponsored and that she will be given hope through sponsorship. Pray that God would bring the right sponsor for her and that they would have a strong and lasting relationship. Most importantly, please pray that all of this will ultimately lead her to Christ.


A Bit About Mwanza, Tanzania!

Tanzania is located in East Africa and is located in the African Great Lakes region. Tanzania is home to Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa.

Magreth lives in Mwanza, Tanzania, which to the locals is also known as the “Rock City.” Mwanza touches Lake Victoria and is the second largest city in Tanzania, with a population of 1,182,000 people as of 2021. Fishing is one of the most common occupations in this region due to its location. The climate is a tropical savanna with a wet season lasting from May to October, and the temperature stays around 75 degrees year-round.

Most people in Mwanza rent a single room in a “squatter settlement” that lacks basic amenities like water and electricity. The homes are often made of brick, mud, and corrugated metal sheets. Mwanza has many inconsistent job opportunities where the pay does not consistently meet their daily needs. Due to the proximity to Lake Victoria, the population is rapidly growing, resulting in a spike in crime, children being left on the streets, and the price of housing rising.

Sponsor a Child Today!

Ethan Can’t Keep the Good News to Himself!

This Easter weekend, as we remember Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice and celebrate the hope brought forth by His resurrection, we are reminded of two little evangelists in Africa who cannot keep the good news of Christ to themselves!

Ethan, also known as “Pastor” to his friends at the Christ’s Hope CarePoint, was so moved by the story of Jesus dying on the cross for his sins that he asked his CareGiver if he could borrow the teaching materials from the Easter lesson. He brought them to school the next day and told his classmates all about Jesus. About His death at Calvary and His victorious resurrection that defeated the grave and made a way for us to have eternal life with Him.

Ethan’s friend, Jayrique, says he wants to learn more about God. He knows there are people hurting in the world, in his own community. If he can learn more and grow in the living hope of Christ, he can share that hope with those around him.

To be so moved by Jesus’ sacrifice at such a young age is inspiring. The community that Ethan and Jayrique live in is plagued by gang violence, racism, drugs and more… it’s a scary place. But praise be to God that these young boys have seen the Light of the World in this dark place. They have not only seen Jesus but are actively sharing His light with those around them.

Apart from Christ, there is no hope. We cannot save the children in our program, but Jesus can. The beautiful thing about Jesus’ Great Commission is that he not only allows us to participate in sharing the great news of his death and resurrection, but he calls us to proclaim it to the nations.

By sponsoring a child, you can help disciple, encourage and empower them with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the midst of the hardship and darkness they face.

This Easter weekend and every day after, may the joy, peace, and hope of the resurrection fill your heart. May you have faith like Jayrique and proclaim the good news of Christ to everyone around you, like Ethan.

The Story of the Becca Prange Ministry CareCenter

In 2015, the story of our Becca Ministry CareCenter unfolded when a young girl named Rebecca Prange faced a challenging battle with cancer. Rebecca captured the hearts of many, including a close family friend who happened to be deeply connected to Christ’s Hope. This friend had the idea of establishing a Ministry CarePoint in honor of Rebecca, affectionately known as Becca.

What started as a modest CarePoint, providing care for 50 children blossomed into the grander vision of a CareCenter, capable of accommodating up to 250 children. Years later, in 2020, the dream of establishing a Ministry CareCenter in Becca’s honor materialized into reality when the Becca Ministry CareCenter was unveiled. Since its inauguration, this center has become a beacon of hope for children in Kenya, embracing 250 kids in need of not only nourishment and education but also personal growth and, crucially, a relationship with the Lord!

Although Becca passed away before the CareCenter was completed, her spirit and legacy fill the building, and her memory lives on through the children being cared for there. Praise the Lord! We are so thankful for the work being done at the Becca Ministry CareCenter and can’t wait to see how God uses it for the many years ahead.