Christ's Hope Blog Posts

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Victoria’s Story

Victoria's story begins in the slums of Mwanza, Tanzania, where life is a daily struggle. In Mwanza (nicknamed the "Rock City," for its large granite rock formations and cliffs) many families living in poverty reside in makeshift shelters made of wood, mud, and corrugated iron sheets, often built precariously on rocky hillsides where land is [...]

Behind the Picture – Pretty 60409

A Bit About Pretty! Pretty is a 9-year-old girl from Kampala, Uganda, and lives with her parents. Pretty helps out at home by sweeping and washing dishes. She loves going to school and learning, and her favorite Bible story is Jesus dying on the cross for our sins. Pretty enjoys many things during his time [...]

From Orphan to Inspiration: Sara’s Journey Continues 

You may remember hearing about Sara in 2018… Look where she is now!  In 2009, a young girl named Sara entered the Christ’s Hope program in the Democratic Republic of Congo. At nine years old, her life had been full of difficulty and food was scarce after the death of her father. Sara and her [...]

Behind the Picture – Wilshere 20360

A Bit About Wilshere! Wilshere, a 10-year-old boy from Kisumu, Kenya, lives with his mother, father, and 6 siblings. His parents work at a rice farm and are the providers for their family. Wilshere helps out at home by looking after the cattle and he loves the color green! Wilshere has been waiting for a sponsor for a long time. [...]

Behind the Picture – Rashid 10770

A Bit About Rashid! Rashid, a 7-year-old boy from Mwanza, Tanzania, lives with his mother, father, and siblings. He helps around the house by cleaning. Rashid is newly recruited to his Ministry CarePoint but already loves the verse John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only son, that whoever shall [...]

Kenya Flooding Relief

Join us in praying for and supporting the children, families, and communities impacted by the devastating floods currently plaguing Kenya. Reportedly, these floods and landslides have killed 181 people since March, with hundreds of thousands forced to leave their homes. Over 77 of Christ’s Hope’s children and their families in Kenya have been impacted. Many [...]

Bianca’s Story

Meet Bianca, a sweet 8-year-old girl whose journey has been anything but easy. Orphaned at a young age, she found herself under the loving care of her grandmother, the sole provider for Bianca and four other children. Despite the hardships, Bianca remained faithful to God, and her spirit remained unbroken.  A while back, Bianca was [...]

Behind the Picture – Magreth 108244

UPDATE AND PRAISE: Magreth has been sponsored! If you are interested in sponsoring a child like Magreth, click here.   A Bit About Magreth! Magreth, an 11-year-old girl from Mwanza, Tanzania, has faced hardships at a young age. Her brother, the family's sole provider, does odd jobs around town while she helps her mom at [...]

Ethan Can’t Keep the Good News to Himself!

This Easter weekend, as we remember Jesus' ultimate sacrifice and celebrate the hope brought forth by His resurrection, we are reminded of two little evangelists in Africa who cannot keep the good news of Christ to themselves! Ethan, also known as “Pastor” to his friends at the Christ's Hope CarePoint, was so moved by the [...]

The Story of the Becca Prange Ministry CareCenter

In 2015, the story of our Becca Ministry CareCenter unfolded when a young girl named Rebecca Prange faced a challenging battle with cancer. Rebecca captured the hearts of many, including a close family friend who happened to be deeply connected to Christ’s Hope. This friend had the idea of establishing a Ministry CarePoint in honor [...]

Art Sale

We were deeply moved when a dedicated family, sponsoring two children, reached out to share their inspiring idea. Their children had made beautiful watercolor paintings, ornaments, and various crafts with a purpose—to fundraise for their sponsor kids' CarePoint! We were touched and encouraged to see this family creating their own fundraiser and were happy to [...]

2023 In Review

As we reflect on 2023, we are deeply moved by the countless ways your compassionate support has touched the lives of orphaned and vulnerable children. We see how God worked through you to help these children feel seen, known, and loved. Our team has curated a collection of statistics and stories from the past year [...]

Vitalis’ Story

As we are celebrating 20 years of Christ’s Hope, we want to take a moment to highlight a specific cycle breaker. We see the evidence of Christ’s Hope’s mission through Vitalis’ story, and we praise the Lord that we are seeing His story unfold in the lives of our sponsor children! Vitalis was ten years [...]

Saying Farewell and Welcoming a New Era!

We are filled with joy and nostalgia as we share the news that Dave Kase, our International Director, will start his well-deserved retirement at the end of 2023. Dave's exceptional 17 years of dedication to Christ's Hope have left a lasting mark on the ministry, and we are deeply thankful for his unwavering commitment to [...]

Behind the Picture – Gloria 21407

We hope that through our “behind the picture” blog posts, you will learn more about our children’s lives, be better equipped to pray for their personal struggles, and that one of their stories will touch you and ultimately lead to sponsorship. A Bit About Gloria! This is Gloria! She is a 5-year-old girl who lives in Nairobi, Kenya and [...]

The Fruit of Your Labor

A few months ago, two remarkable young adults accomplished a significant milestone… graduating from the Christ’s Hope program!   Séraphine, a young woman in the DRC, was sponsored all the way back in 2010. That is a 13-year journey of growth and development through Christ’s Hope! David was sponsored in 2013, dedicating nearly a decade to [...]

Behind the Picture – Japheth 21438

A Bit About Japheth! This is Japheth! He is an 8-year-old boy who lives in Nairobi, Kenya, with his parents and seven siblings. Japheth’s mother is very sick and is unable to work. His father works a little but spends most of the money he makes on drugs. His father is also an alcoholic and [...]

Fulfilling the Great Commission through Sponsorship: Sharing the Gospel with Christ’s Hope

Have you ever considered that by donating, sponsoring a child, or partnering with Christ’s Hope, you are actively participating in the Great Commission? As Christians, we are called to make disciples of all nations, and through Christ’s Hope, you have the remarkable opportunity to do so while also caring for children in Africa. By joining [...]

Behind the Picture – Maimuna 20679

We hope that through our “behind the picture” blog posts, you will learn more about our children’s lives, be better equipped to pray for their personal struggles, and that one of their stories will touch you and ultimately lead to sponsorship. A Bit About Maimuna! This is Maimuna! She is a 7 year old girl who lives in Kisumu, [...]

You’re Never too Young to Sponsor a Child

The Ferrer family recently started sponsoring two children from Christ’s Hope, a little girl for their daughter and a little boy for their son.   “Earlier this year, the Lord stirred a desire in me to cultivate in our family a heart for the nations and the global Church. It’s so easy to insulate ourselves into a [...]

Behind the Picture – Joshua 10923

A Bit About Joshua! This is Joshua! He is a 12 year old boy who lives in Mwanza, Tanzania with his Mother and two siblings.  Joshua loves playing football (soccer), eating chips with chicken, and playing at the CarePoint. His favorite Bible verse is Luke 19:10, and his best friend is Dickson. Joshua aspires to [...]

Take a Look at What the Kids in Uganda are Up To

We love to teach the children at our CarePoint valuable lessons that will lead them to Christ. They are taught stories from the Bible, what it means to follow Jesus, how to be a good friend and member of the community and even how to be a part of a local church. These are invaluable [...]

Behind the Picture – Maryanne 20733

We hope that through our “behind the picture” blog posts, you will learn more about our children’s lives, be better equipped to pray for their personal struggles, and that one of their stories will touch you and ultimately lead to sponsorship. A Bit About Maryanne! This is Maryanne! She is a 12 year old girl who lives in Kisumu, [...]

Tailoring Project

Our CarePoints often have specialty programs where the kids learn special life skills to prepare them for life after graduation. We want these children to have the skills and tools they need to support themselves and their families. The specialty programs teach them a wide variety of things like: soap making, gardening, sewing, and so [...]