This Easter weekend, as we remember Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice and celebrate the hope brought forth by His resurrection, we are reminded of two little evangelists in Africa who cannot keep the good news of Christ to themselves!
Ethan, also known as “Pastor” to his friends at the Christ’s Hope CarePoint, was so moved by the story of Jesus dying on the cross for his sins that he asked his CareGiver if he could borrow the teaching materials from the Easter lesson. He brought them to school the next day and told his classmates all about Jesus. About His death at Calvary and His victorious resurrection that defeated the grave and made a way for us to have eternal life with Him.
Ethan’s friend, Jayrique, says he wants to learn more about God. He knows there are people hurting in the world, in his own community. If he can learn more and grow in the living hope of Christ, he can share that hope with those around him.
To be so moved by Jesus’ sacrifice at such a young age is inspiring. The community that Ethan and Jayrique live in is plagued by gang violence, racism, drugs and more… it’s a scary place. But praise be to God that these young boys have seen the Light of the World in this dark place. They have not only seen Jesus but are actively sharing His light with those around them.
Apart from Christ, there is no hope. We cannot save the children in our program, but Jesus can. The beautiful thing about Jesus’ Great Commission is that he not only allows us to participate in sharing the great news of his death and resurrection, but he calls us to proclaim it to the nations.
By sponsoring a child, you can help disciple, encourage and empower them with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the midst of the hardship and darkness they face.
This Easter weekend and every day after, may the joy, peace, and hope of the resurrection fill your heart. May you have faith like Jayrique and proclaim the good news of Christ to everyone around you, like Ethan.