Take a Look at What the Kids in Uganda are Up To

We love to teach the children at our CarePoint valuable lessons that will lead them to Christ. They are taught stories from the Bible, what it means to follow Jesus, how to be a good friend and member of the community and even how to be a part of a local church.

These are invaluable lessons that are vital in a child’s life, but we also want to teach them lessons that will help them in their daily life as well as their spiritual life!

Take a look at what the children in Uganda have been learning lately!

Growing and harvesting bananas!

Growing a garden at their CarePoint and farming vegetables!

Raising and selling rabbits!

Praising and worshiping together!

Learning to cook!

Learning how to grow produce at home to eat and sell!

Taking communion together!

We are so thankful for the work that is being done in Uganda and in all other six countries Christ’s Hope serves in!

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