Behind the Picture – Magreth 108244

UPDATE AND PRAISE: Magreth has been sponsored! If you are interested in sponsoring a child like Magreth, click here.


A Bit About Magreth!

Magreth, an 11-year-old girl from Mwanza, Tanzania, has faced hardships at a young age. Her brother, the family’s sole provider, does odd jobs around town while she helps her mom at home by fetching water and cleaning. Despite their struggles, Magreth has found hope in Christ. She says Jesus is her favorite person because he saved us from our sins and loves John 14:6, which says, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Magreth finds joy in the little things at the Ministry CarePoint, like playing handball, eating Ugali, and playing with her friend Irene. She aspires to become a nurse because she loves helping others, like Jesus did.

By sponsoring a child like Magreth, you can continue encouraging her in the Gospel and caring for her like Jesus!

How to Pray for Magreth!

1. Please pray for the safety of Magreth and her family. Pray that they would all know and love God.

2. Pray that God would give Magreth a good life and that her family would be able to afford their daily basic needs.

3. Pray that Magreth will do well at school and that God will lead her in every aspect of her life.

4. Magreth specifically asked for prayer that she would be a good child of God!

5. Lastly, please pray that Magreth will be sponsored and that she will be given hope through sponsorship. Pray that God would bring the right sponsor for her and that they would have a strong and lasting relationship. Most importantly, please pray that all of this will ultimately lead her to Christ.


A Bit About Mwanza, Tanzania!

Tanzania is located in East Africa and is located in the African Great Lakes region. Tanzania is home to Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa.

Magreth lives in Mwanza, Tanzania, which to the locals is also known as the “Rock City.” Mwanza touches Lake Victoria and is the second largest city in Tanzania, with a population of 1,182,000 people as of 2021. Fishing is one of the most common occupations in this region due to its location. The climate is a tropical savanna with a wet season lasting from May to October, and the temperature stays around 75 degrees year-round.

Most people in Mwanza rent a single room in a “squatter settlement” that lacks basic amenities like water and electricity. The homes are often made of brick, mud, and corrugated metal sheets. Mwanza has many inconsistent job opportunities where the pay does not consistently meet their daily needs. Due to the proximity to Lake Victoria, the population is rapidly growing, resulting in a spike in crime, children being left on the streets, and the price of housing rising.

Sponsor a Child Today!

Ethan Can’t Keep the Good News to Himself!

This Easter weekend, as we remember Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice and celebrate the hope brought forth by His resurrection, we are reminded of two little evangelists in Africa who cannot keep the good news of Christ to themselves!

Ethan, also known as “Pastor” to his friends at the Christ’s Hope CarePoint, was so moved by the story of Jesus dying on the cross for his sins that he asked his CareGiver if he could borrow the teaching materials from the Easter lesson. He brought them to school the next day and told his classmates all about Jesus. About His death at Calvary and His victorious resurrection that defeated the grave and made a way for us to have eternal life with Him.

Ethan’s friend, Jayrique, says he wants to learn more about God. He knows there are people hurting in the world, in his own community. If he can learn more and grow in the living hope of Christ, he can share that hope with those around him.

To be so moved by Jesus’ sacrifice at such a young age is inspiring. The community that Ethan and Jayrique live in is plagued by gang violence, racism, drugs and more… it’s a scary place. But praise be to God that these young boys have seen the Light of the World in this dark place. They have not only seen Jesus but are actively sharing His light with those around them.

Apart from Christ, there is no hope. We cannot save the children in our program, but Jesus can. The beautiful thing about Jesus’ Great Commission is that he not only allows us to participate in sharing the great news of his death and resurrection, but he calls us to proclaim it to the nations.

By sponsoring a child, you can help disciple, encourage and empower them with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the midst of the hardship and darkness they face.

This Easter weekend and every day after, may the joy, peace, and hope of the resurrection fill your heart. May you have faith like Jayrique and proclaim the good news of Christ to everyone around you, like Ethan.

The Story of the Becca Prange Ministry CareCenter

In 2015, the story of our Becca Ministry CareCenter unfolded when a young girl named Rebecca Prange faced a challenging battle with cancer. Rebecca captured the hearts of many, including a close family friend who happened to be deeply connected to Christ’s Hope. This friend had the idea of establishing a Ministry CarePoint in honor of Rebecca, affectionately known as Becca.

What started as a modest CarePoint, providing care for 50 children blossomed into the grander vision of a CareCenter, capable of accommodating up to 250 children. Years later, in 2020, the dream of establishing a Ministry CareCenter in Becca’s honor materialized into reality when the Becca Ministry CareCenter was unveiled. Since its inauguration, this center has become a beacon of hope for children in Kenya, embracing 250 kids in need of not only nourishment and education but also personal growth and, crucially, a relationship with the Lord!

Although Becca passed away before the CareCenter was completed, her spirit and legacy fill the building, and her memory lives on through the children being cared for there. Praise the Lord! We are so thankful for the work being done at the Becca Ministry CareCenter and can’t wait to see how God uses it for the many years ahead.

Art Sale

We were deeply moved when a dedicated family, sponsoring two children, reached out to share their inspiring idea. Their children had made beautiful watercolor paintings, ornaments, and various crafts with a purpose—to fundraise for their sponsor kids’ CarePoint! We were touched and encouraged to see this family creating their own fundraiser and were happy to send over brochures and some other Christ’s Hope goodies for their event.

In December, the family hosted the art sale at their church, and the response was overwhelming… Their church rallied together, contributing to a total fundraising amount of $541 for their sponsor kids’ CarePoint! This is a testament to the power of compassion and the impact individuals can make when they take fundraising into their own hands.

We are overwhelmed with gratitude from seeing this family’s dedication, coupled with the generosity of many others who were willing to donate to our mission. We are overjoyed to witness people investing their time, creativity, and love in Christ’s Hope. The family prayed that the Lord would bless the kids’ efforts, and He answered abundantly.

To this family and all those who share in this mission, your loyalty is a great encouragement. You’ve not only raised funds but also lifted spirits and created a ripple of positive change. Thank you for being a vital part of the Christ’s Hope mission and making a lasting impact on the lives of children in need.

Read about this family's encouraging journey in choosing to become sponsors at Christ's Hope by clicking the link below!

Click here!

2023 In Review

As we reflect on 2023, we are deeply moved by the countless ways your compassionate support has touched the lives of orphaned and vulnerable children. We see how God worked through you to help these children feel seen, known, and loved.

Our team has curated a collection of statistics and stories from the past year that serve as a testament to God’s faithfulness through your support. These narratives are not only a reflection of the past but also a source of encouragement for the future.

Your contributions have played a crucial role in bringing the Gospel to children in Africa, empowering them to shape brighter futures within their own communities. In the 7 countries we serve, an average of 49% of children grow up in extreme poverty. The high unemployment rates and steep education costs make it challenging for most children to receive any form of education. This often leads to the cycle of orphanhood and poverty.

When we welcome the most vulnerable children in a community to go to school, to have their daily needs met, and to learn about Jesus, we are participating in orphan prevention.

Take Morgan, for instance, a little boy whose family couldn’t support him or even house him. His CareGiver accepted him into their home and treats him like their own. Without his sponsorship, he would have nowhere to go and no hope for a bright future.

Then there is Séraphine, a young girl who was sponsored when she was little and has now graduated from the Christ’s Hope program, having completed primary school and secondary school speaking, reading, and writing in both Lingala and French and has even been trained in IT! Séraphine is now qualified to teach primary school but has recently decided to pursue a higher education where she is in her first year of a bachelor’s degree program studying Psychology. She is paying her own way through school – completely independent, showcasing the impact of your support.

Women like Marcy, who was once sponsored and graduated from the Christ’s Hope program, have come full circle to become CareGivers at one of our CarePoints, offering invaluable assistance to children they can relate to on a profound level.

Your generosity has enabled us to sustain our sponsorship program, providing hope to countless children who were once without it. These stories merely scratch the surface of the lasting impact you are making through your commitment to our shared mission.

So, thank you.

These stories only scratch the surface of the eternal impact you are making with your commitment to our shared mission. Thank you for your support, whether through prayer or financial contributions. Your dedication remains a driving force behind Christ’s Hope, reaching across the globe to touch the lives of orphaned and vulnerable children.

Together, with you and our global teammates, we’ve shared more than just resources this year. We’ve created a sense of belonging for children and families—allowing them to feel seen, known, and loved.

As we look forward eagerly, we are excited about all that God has planned for 2024. Thank you for being an integral part of this crucial mission.

Vitalis’ Story

As we are celebrating 20 years of Christ’s Hope, we want to take a moment to highlight a specific cycle breaker. We see the evidence of Christ’s Hope’s mission through Vitalis’ story, and we praise the Lord that we are seeing His story unfold in the lives of our sponsor children!

Vitalis was ten years old and living with his mother and four siblings when he entered the Christ’s Hope sponsorship program. His father passed away when he was very young, leaving the family in a very vulnerable state. His mother could barely afford to feed them or give them their other basic needs. Vitalis was very smart but had never had the chance to go to school because it was too expensive.

A couple from the US, Glenn and Shari, were looking to sponsor a child through Christ’s Hope. God made it very clear that Vitalis was exactly who they had been praying for! Their goal was to sponsor Vitalis all the way through grade school and then they hoped to help get him through college if they were able to and if Vitalis wanted to. Going to college would be completely life-changing for a young boy like Vitalis.

Vitalis and Glenn wrote back and forth continually over the years and their relationship grew significantly. Glenn sent him hundreds of devotionals and Vitalis would say that was a huge part of how he came to love God and know Him personally.

Vitalis proved to be incredibly smart and a great student once he started attending school because of the Christ’s Hope program. He ended up testing out of his regular school and qualified for boarding school, a huge success for children in Africa! He would now be able to live at this school, be fed well and receive an amazing education which would prepare him well for college and life as an adult.

This October, Vitalis will be graduating college with a bachelor’s degree in business administration. Glenn will be flying to Africa to attend his graduation! Vitalis is now enrolled to get his master’s degree starting this November. He hopes to visit the US and see Glenn and Shari in person so they can spend time together as a family.

This past Father’s Day, Vitalis sent Glenn this letter:

“Happy Father’s Day. Sorry I couldn’t write as much about my love to you, but God knows how much I have been loving you always and praying for you.

You have been so good in my life despite the distance we have but still, I always feel I am with you at my side. Thanks for always showing up when I need you. Thanks for teaching me and expanding my knowledge about God. Your teachings have made me a good person and I will always take them in all of my life.

You’re such a wonderful person. I will always pray to be like you in my life. You’re such an inspiration to me and a role model. Thanks for all you have been doing for me. God bless you abundantly. I love you so much.”

God’s blessings were evident every step of the way for Vitalis and Glenn’s story. He continually provided for their needs and gave them each other to encourage and lead one another Godward. 

Vitalis has recently started sponsoring a child through Christ’s Hope. We see this beautiful story come full circle with a cycle breaker now training up another soon-to-be cycle breaker. Praise the Lord!

“Our story is not about the difference that Shari and I made in Vitalis’ life. It is about how Vitalis made a difference in OUR life.” – Glenn Hirt

Saying Farewell and Welcoming a New Era!

We are filled with joy and nostalgia as we share the news that Dave Kase, our International Director, will start his well-deserved retirement at the end of 2023. Dave’s exceptional 17 years of dedication to Christ’s Hope have left a lasting mark on the ministry, and we are deeply thankful for his unwavering commitment to the children, staff, donors and partners of this ministry.

Throughout the years, Dave and his wife, Becky, have exemplified our mission incredibly well. While we are saddened to say goodbye to such an invaluable member of the Christ’s Hope team, we also celebrate the new and exciting season that awaits them! 

Dave shares, “The last 17 years have been the most purpose-filled years of my life serving alongside the men and women of Christ’s Hope. I am proud and confident in the leadership God has put in place throughout this ministry, and I believe Christ’s Hope is poised to flourish in the years ahead. Psalm 25:4-5 has been a consistent prayer for me, and I pray it now over each of you and over this ministry: ‘Show me your ways oh LORD, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.’

Now, we would like to introduce you to Jesse Martin, the new International Director of Christ’s Hope! Jesse officially assumed his role on October 16, 2023. He will work closely with Dave Kase before his retirement at the end of this year. 

Jesse is a devoted follower of Jesus Christ and is supported in his mission by his wife, Kendra, and their two children, Judah and Alistair, in Charlottesville, Virginia, where they enjoy working on home projects and spending quality time outdoors. 

Jesse has a diverse career background and is extremely passionate about missions. He served as a pastor for over a decade, held leadership roles supporting native and indigenous missionaries globally, and worked as an executive consultant with numerous NGOs and churches. Jesse’s educational background is grounded in Christian studies, and he holds a Graduate Degree in International Development. 

In his role as International Director for the ministry of Christ’s Hope, Jesse will oversee and direct the Ministry Countries – Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, South Africa, Namibia, DRC and Eswatini – as well as collaborate and coordinate with the Mobilization Countries – USA, Netherlands, Canada, France, Belgium, Germany, and the UK. Ultimately, Jesse’s responsibilities encompass leading Christ’s Hope and fostering teams in various countries to advance our mission of empowering orphaned and vulnerable children to break the cycles of extreme poverty, AIDS, and spiritual brokenness through family-based care and discipleship in Jesus Christ. 

Let’s remember Jesse and Dave in our prayers as they begin new chapters in their lives, and pray that they will continue to keep God at the center of everything they do.


Tony Sloan
Executive Director, Christ’s Hope USA

From left to right: Dave Kase – Former International Director, Tony Sloan – USA Executive Director, Jesse Martin – International Director

Behind the Picture – Gloria 21407

We hope that through our “behind the picture” blog posts, you will learn more about our children’s lives, be better equipped to pray for their personal struggles, and that one of their stories will touch you and ultimately lead to sponsorship.

A Bit About Gloria!

This is Gloria! She is a 5-year-old girl who lives in Nairobi, Kenya and lives with her mother and two siblings. Gloria’s father left the family to find work in a more rural area, and her mother occasionally washes clothes for people to make money. Her mother struggles to pay Gloria’s school fees and for the other basic needs of the family because she doesn’t have much of an income and she owes a significant amount of money.

Gloria loves hearing stories about Jesus, dancing, and playing games like hide and seek. Her favorite food is rice and beans, and she helps around the house by wiping the table after meals. Gloria’s best friend’s name is Esther, and her favorite Bible story is when Jesus healed the sick girl. Lastly, Gloria would like to be a Doctor to help sick people.


A Bit About Nairobi, Kenya!

Kenya is located in East Africa and is a very diverse place. It touches the Indian Ocean and is mostly desert and mountainous.

Gloria lives in Nairobi, Kenya which is the largest city in Kenya and has a population of 4.4 million people. 2.5 million of those people live in the slums of Nairobi. The Kibera slums are the largest slums in Kenya and one of the biggest in the world. The temperature is anywhere from the low 60s to the high 80s, and they experience both a dry and a wet season.

The homes in Kenya are usually made of mud or corrugated metal sheets and the terrain is typically very rocky and dry. The children within our Kenyan CarePoints rarely have electricity or running water in their homes, so they have lots of long walks in all types of weather to the nearest well or other water source.

How to Pray for Gloria!

  1. Please pray for Gloria, her parents and her siblings. Pray that God would use their hardships for His glory and their good.
  2. Pray that God would bless Gloria’s parents with good jobs so they can supply the family with their daily needs and pay off their debts.
  3. Pray that Glorida and her family will stay safe and healthy.
  4. Pray that God would help Gloria do well in school and that she would continue to learn and grow.
  5. Lastly, please pray that Gloria will be sponsored and that she will be given hope through sponsorship. Pray that God would bring the perfect sponsor for Gloria and that they would have an amazing and lasting relationship. Most importantly, please pray that all of this will ultimately lead her to Christ.

Click the Link Below to Sponsor Gloria Today!

Click here!

The Fruit of Your Labor

A few months ago, two remarkable young adults accomplished a significant milestone… graduating from the Christ’s Hope program!  

Séraphine, a young woman in the DRC, was sponsored all the way back in 2010. That is a 13-year journey of growth and development through Christ’s Hope! David was sponsored in 2013, dedicating nearly a decade to the program! 

David grew up without parents, leaving only his older brother to lead his family. Séraphine was a result of a teenage pregnancy and never knew her father. Thanks to their sponsors and all who have supported Christ’s Hope, they’ve been able to overcome their difficult circumstances. Both Séraphine and David completed primary and secondary school, speak, read, and write in both Lingala and French, and have been trained in IT!  

David specializes in electronics and has become a motorcycle driver. He now owns his own motorcycle that he used to start a taxi business. Séraphine studied pedagogy and is now able to teach primary school. She has recently decided to pursue a higher education and is currently in her first year of a bachelor’s degree program studying Psychology. She is paying her own way through school – completely independent. 

In addition to their educational and vocational achievements – and most importantly – both David and Séraphine accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior! They have both been baptized and are now walking with Christ! 

If you could only see the challenging neighborhoods these two young adults come from, you’d understand the incredible odds they faced. They not only graduated from the Christ’s Hope program but went on to higher education and are walking in the path of the Lord and defying all statistics in their country. Praise God!  

This is cycle breaking. Séraphine and David are cycle breakers. This is a powerful demonstration of how God uses the body of Christ to care for those who might otherwise be forgotten and overlooked. Only the Lord truly knows the incredible fruit that these young lives will bear in the future – but we are thankful to witness even a glimpse of the fruit of your labor through Christ!

This picture was taken when Séraphine and David were celebrating recieving their secondary school state diploma! (Séraphine and David are the two on the right!)

Behind the Picture – Japheth 21438

A Bit About Japheth!

This is Japheth! He is an 8-year-old boy who lives in Nairobi, Kenya, with his parents and seven siblings. Japheth’s mother is very sick and is unable to work. His father works a little but spends most of the money he makes on drugs. His father is also an alcoholic and is hostile towards Japheth and his family when he is drunk. Sadly, Japheth and his whole family are traumatized from the violence their father has shown them.

Japheth loves football (soccer), eating chapati and beans, playing with his best friend Mumo and his favorite bible verse is Hebrews 13:6. Japheth would like to be an architect when he grows up to design and draw big, beautiful houses.

A Bit About Nairobi, Kenya!

Kenya is located in East Africa and is a very diverse place. It touches the Indian Ocean and is mostly desert and mountainous.

Japheth lives in Nairobi, Kenya which is the largest city in Kenya and has the population of 4.4 million people. 2.5 million of those people live within the slums of Nairobi. The Kibera slums are the largest slums in Kenya and one of the biggest in the world. The temperature is anywhere from the low 60s to high 80s and they experience both a dry and a wet season.

The homes in Kenya are usually made of mud or corrugated metal sheets and the terrain is typically very rocky and dry. The children within our Kenyan CarePoints rarely have electricity or running water in their home, so they have lots of long walks in all types of weather to the nearest well or other water source.

How to Pray for Japheth!

  1. Please pray for Japheth and his family members. Pray that God would use their past hardships for His glory and their good!
  2. Pray that God would Give Japheth a good life and that his family would be able to afford their daily basic needs and keep them all healthy and safe.
  3. Please pray that Japheth’s father would be convicted of his sins and that he would turn from drugs, alcohol and abuse. Please pray that Japheth and his family would no longer be affected by his poor decision, but that Japheth would see his worth in Christ and His fatherly, unending love for him.
  4. Pray that Japheth’s mother would be healed from her sickness and that she will be able to find a good job where she is able to provide for the family.
  5. Lastly, please pray that Japheth would be sponsored and that he would be given hope through sponsorship. Pray that God would bring the perfect sponsor for Japheth and that they would have an amazing and lasting relationship. Most importantly, please pray that all of this would ultimately lead him to Christ.

Click the link below to sponsor Japheth today!

Click here!
