What IS a Ministry CarePoint?

If you stay up to date on our blog posts and emails then you likely hear the term, “Ministry CarePoint” used often… but what exactly IS a Ministry CarePoint?

A Ministry CarePoint is a strategically located center within a community that has a high AIDS infection rate. Our Ministry CarePoints provide a place where sponsored children can receive the material and spiritual care they need. In doing so, this ensures that orphaned and vulnerable children can live with an extended family member or in a foster family.

A Ministry CarePoint is usually made up of a large building with many small rooms where the children can be taught. Ministry CarePoints also have a small kitchen and an area for the children to eat. Sponsored children are able to go to the Ministry CarePoint three times a week and benefit from these things.

Within the Ministry CarePoint are Care Givers and there are roughly two Care Givers for each class. They teach the children Bible lessons, look after the kids while they are at the Ministry CarePoint and even make sure that they are doing well at home. They give emotional support, counseling, and are really able to create a bond with each child.

There are many things that go on within each Ministry CarePoint:


Age-appropriate schooling

Tutoring and remedial assistance

Access to educational tools and vocational training

Teacher’s assessments and progress evaluations


Safe family environment

Nutritious meals

Ongoing medical evaluations

HIV testing and monitoring

Hygiene standards education

AIDS awareness training

Home evaluation monitoring


Evangelism and discipleship

Bible study and prayer

Personalized counseling

Genesis design sexual purity training and instructions


Counseling and mentoring

Ministry CarePoint Outcomes:

The Gospel is shared and received, and lives are committed to honoring God and sharing the Gospel with others.

Children are cared for and loved in a Christ-centered and nurturing environment.

Monitored physical development and annual physical exams ensure long-term health for children

Children grow up to break the cycle of AIDS and poverty in their communities.

Children live longer lives and contribute to society in a meaningful way

There is reduction in the spread of AIDS through the continent of Africa


Want to learn more? Click the link below to visit our website and read more about who we are and what we stand for!

Click here to learn more about the ministry of Christ’s Hope.