Steven is an orphaned child who lives in a small shack with his sister and his aunt. He is in fourth grade and has been in the Christ’s Hope program since he was young.
When Steven was first recruited into the Christ’s Hope program, he suffered from a blood disorder that gave him many different side effects. Through Christ’s Hope’s ministry program, his medication and treatments have been well cared for. He has continued to have positive results from these medications and treatments and has not had to go to the hospital due to complications, as he had to do in the past.

Because of Steven’s condition, he tended to withdraw and isolate himself from other children. Since starting in the Christ’s Hope program, Steven has slowly come out of his shell and now interacts with the other children without fear. He has continued to gain confidence and has made lots of friends in the process!
Steven has been helped immensely both physically and socially due to his sponsor and the Christ’s Hope International program. He has been empowered to be courageous and confident in who he is in Christ. He doesn’t have to be anxious for today, but can have hope for the future.
*For safety and privacy, the name of the child has been changed.