From Orphan to Inspiration: Sara’s Journey Continues 

You may remember hearing about Sara in 2018… Look where she is now! 

In 2009, a young girl named Sara entered the Christ’s Hope program in the Democratic Republic of Congo. At nine years old, her life had been full of difficulty and food was scarce after the death of her father. Sara and her mother struggled to survive, but when her mother passed away, Sara was left an orphan, feeling more alone and vulnerable than ever. She moved in with her aunt, but still needed more care. 

Through the Christ’s Hope program, Sara was sponsored and started receiving regular meals, education, medical care, and Gospel teachings! This support gave her the hope and strength she needed to persevere. Sara embraced these teachings, growing into a zealous and Godly young woman. In 2015, she was baptized and began teaching Sunday School, sharing the lessons she learned with younger generations. She became the first child from the DRC to graduate from the Christ’s Hope program, equipped with the skills needed for a fruitful life. After completing her education at Trade School, she trained to be a seamstress, bought her own sewing machine, and is now excelling in her work, assisting coworkers and earning praise from her supervisor! 

So, Where Is She Now? 

Today, Sara provides for herself by designing, making, and, selling clothes! Her story is one of hope, proving that through Jesus, the right support can help children overcome even the most challenging circumstances. 

Inspire More Children, Like Sara! 

Your support can help more children like Sara break free from the chains of poverty and build futures rooted in the hope of Christ. By becoming a child sponsor for as little as $48 per month, you can provide a child with access to education and transformative care! 

Sponsor today and be a part of this incredible journey to break poverty and build hope! 

Click the link below to sponsor a child today!

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