Clean Water Sustains Life

David and Becky Kase recently went on a trip to Africa to visit many of Christ’s Hope’s CarePoints. Becky shared many stories from their trip, but these were a few of her sweetest memories from their time there.

“Water. When we are in this hot and dry land, we drink lots of it. In Africa we become more aware that clean water sustains life. Typhoid is a big problem here and we are hoping to get our children immunized against it once the new vaccine is made available.

We came up with a game using what the care points had on hand and the kids loved it. Many of them have the responsibility of hauling water to their homes as few of our children have running water. Here we see this child does have “running water”!

She continued to share the following story as well…

“In Uganda we had the most time to really get to know staff and some of the kiddos. They made this craft and we discussed how they are each made uniquely and one of a kind. We sang a song that they sing so well… ’I am fearfully and wonderfully made…’”

We hope that you are all just as encouraged by these stories as we are! We love to see and hear the things that are going on in Africa and within our CarePoints firsthand and we love to share the work that God is doing there with you. Please continue to pray for the children, their families, their communities, and our staff!