Behind the Picture – Japheth 21438

A Bit About Japheth!

This is Japheth! He is an 8-year-old boy who lives in Nairobi, Kenya, with his parents and seven siblings. Japheth’s mother is very sick and is unable to work. His father works a little but spends most of the money he makes on drugs. His father is also an alcoholic and is hostile towards Japheth and his family when he is drunk. Sadly, Japheth and his whole family are traumatized from the violence their father has shown them.

Japheth loves football (soccer), eating chapati and beans, playing with his best friend Mumo and his favorite bible verse is Hebrews 13:6. Japheth would like to be an architect when he grows up to design and draw big, beautiful houses.

A Bit About Nairobi, Kenya!

Kenya is located in East Africa and is a very diverse place. It touches the Indian Ocean and is mostly desert and mountainous.

Japheth lives in Nairobi, Kenya which is the largest city in Kenya and has the population of 4.4 million people. 2.5 million of those people live within the slums of Nairobi. The Kibera slums are the largest slums in Kenya and one of the biggest in the world. The temperature is anywhere from the low 60s to high 80s and they experience both a dry and a wet season.

The homes in Kenya are usually made of mud or corrugated metal sheets and the terrain is typically very rocky and dry. The children within our Kenyan CarePoints rarely have electricity or running water in their home, so they have lots of long walks in all types of weather to the nearest well or other water source.

How to Pray for Japheth!

  1. Please pray for Japheth and his family members. Pray that God would use their past hardships for His glory and their good!
  2. Pray that God would Give Japheth a good life and that his family would be able to afford their daily basic needs and keep them all healthy and safe.
  3. Please pray that Japheth’s father would be convicted of his sins and that he would turn from drugs, alcohol and abuse. Please pray that Japheth and his family would no longer be affected by his poor decision, but that Japheth would see his worth in Christ and His fatherly, unending love for him.
  4. Pray that Japheth’s mother would be healed from her sickness and that she will be able to find a good job where she is able to provide for the family.
  5. Lastly, please pray that Japheth would be sponsored and that he would be given hope through sponsorship. Pray that God would bring the perfect sponsor for Japheth and that they would have an amazing and lasting relationship. Most importantly, please pray that all of this would ultimately lead him to Christ.

Click the link below to sponsor Japheth today!

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