Invite those living in extreme poverty to

COME TO THE TABLE this holiday season!

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This is a summary.


“For I was hungry, and you gave me food, I was thirsty, and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” Matthew 25:35

Christ’s Hope is so thankful for your support in 2022. With your help we have been able to open new CarePoints and continue to support our 2,000 children.

The heart behind “Come to the Table”

While many of us are fortunate enough to shift our focus from our everyday lives to our families during these times, orphans and people living in extreme poverty do not have this luxury. People continue to walk 3 miles a day for water. Parents continue to make decisions if they can afford to feed their families today. And children continue to wonder if they are more of a burden than they are worth.

During Jesus’ time on earth, he invited many to come to the table that he prepared for them.

Will you be inviting people to come to the table this year through Christ’s Hope?

The heart behind “Come to the Table”

While many of us are fortunate enough to shift our focus from our everyday lives to our families during these times, orphans and people living in extreme poverty do not have this luxury. People continue to walk 3 miles a day for water. Parents continue to make decisions if they can afford to feed their families today. And children continue to wonder if they are more of a burden than they are worth.

During Jesus’ time on earth, he invited many to come to the table that he prepared for them.

Will you be inviting people to come to the table this year through Christ’s Hope?

The Impact A Donation Will Make:

– $50 gets a child a school uniform for that year

– $100 covers the cost of primary school

– $150 provides 15 children with hygiene packs for a year

– $250 provides annual school materials for 10 children


This holiday season, will you enable people living in extreme poverty to come to the table?

Our goal this year is to raise $250,000. Can you help us achieve this goal and provide nutritious meals to the children in our care.

Would you be willing to sponsor one of our 343 children in search of a sponsor? Invite one of these children to come to your table by creating a relationship through letters and your support from thousands of miles away.

This holiday season, will you enable people living in extreme poverty to come to the table?

Our goal this year is to raise $250,000. Can you help us achieve this goal and provide nutritious meals to the children in our care.

Would you be willing to sponsor one of our 343 children in search of a sponsor? Invite one of these children to come to your table by creating a relationship through letters and your support from thousands of miles away.