Our Story
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.
— James 1:27
To transform the lives of orphaned and vulnerable children in extreme poverty
To empower orphaned and vulnerable children to break the cycles of extreme poverty, AIDS, and spiritual brokenness through family-based care and discipleship in Jesus Christ
Uncompromisingly Biblical, Unashamedly Christian
Where it Started-2003
In a small Namibian town, Jos and Sylvia Holtzhausen felt called to confront the troubling reality of HIV and AIDS they were witnessing first hand and the children left behind in its wake. They felt the call to launch a ministry that focused on HIV and AIDS affected children and families. In answer to that call, they established Christ’s Hope International which cared for AIDS-orphaned children through orphanages.
Orphanages Close-2005
Berdian and Juliet Beukes became “House Parents” in one of the Christ’s Hope children’s homes in Namibia for three years. As they realized most of the children had a family member alive to take care of them, they closed down the orphanages and told the family members, “if you can look after this child at night, make sure they are safe, the child can come here to the Ministry CarePoint where we’ll help with schoolwork, give them meals, and teach them about Jesus.”
Passing the Torch-2019
After 15 years of dedicated service to the Lord and His mission, Jos Holtzhausen has stepped down from his position as International Team Leader of Christ’s Hope. The title and duties of International Director have been appointed to David Kase, previously US Director.
Covid-19 2020-2021
In response to COVID-19, staff members in all seven of the countries Christ’s Hope serves are working hard to provide our children, their families, and the local communities resources such as food, masks, soap, hand sanitizer, hand-washing stations, and more!
Christ's Hope International, Today!
Christ’s Hope International empowers orphaned and vulnerable children to break the cycles of extreme poverty, AIDS, and spiritual brokenness through family-based care and discipleship in Jesus Christ. We are so thankful to announce that through Christ’s Hope’s program, nearly 2,000 children are being cared for in 40 CarePoints across Africa!