Where is your orphan?
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress” – James 1:27
This Orphan Sunday, we recognize that there are an estimated 52 million orphans (that’s one-third of the global orphan population). If every believer in the US cared for one orphan, we could obediently and fully answer God’s call!
So, where is your orphan?
These children need your help!
What is Orphan Sunday?
November 10th, 2024
Orphan Sunday is a global initiative that invites churches, organizations, and individuals to come together in November to raise awareness about the needs of orphaned and vulnerable children and to inspire action. It is a day for us to reflect on God’s heart for the fatherless and to consider how we can make a difference in their lives.
Join the body of Christ in supporting orphaned and vulnerable children’s education, nurturing their physical and emotional well-being, keeping them in the care of their families and communities and, most importantly, teaching them the Gospel!
The Reality:
In Africa alone, there are an estimated 52 million orphans (that’s one-third of the global orphan population). Beyond that, over 71% of the world’s poorest children live in sub-Saharan Africa. These children are left vulnerable, neglected and not knowing Jesus Christ as their Savior.
What Can You Do?
Join Christ’s Hope in discipling and caring for these orphaned and vulnerable children on Orphan Sunday! We’re not asking you to support 52 million children, yet, there are over 100 orphaned and vulnerable children at the Christ’s Hope Ministry CarePoints in need of transformative care. Our goal is to see every child in our program sponsored and fully cared for by the body of Christ on Orphan Sunday!

Thanks to the generous support of people like you, over 1,800 children are being cared for and receiving the Gospel.
“I am so passionate about the children I work with. I know Christ’s Hope is changing lives. I want to give everyone who supports a hug!” – Faith, CareGiver
“If you are looking for a way to get involved in a ministry that has a mission and vision to see the nations discipled with the good news of the Gospel, I cannot think of an organization I’d recommend more highly than Christ’s Hope.” – JJ, Pastor
“Our sponsored child knows Jesus. He writes to us and in our letters back to him, we encourage his faith and promise to pray for him. What a rewarding experience!” – Rick & Sharon, Child Sponsors
If you’re not able to sponsor a child, donate today to help care for orphans!
Together, we are supporting their education, nurturing their physical and emotional well-being, keeping them in the care of their families and communities and, most importantly, teaching them the Gospel.
Join us in empowering these children to break the cycles of extreme poverty!
Join us in empowering children to break the cycles of extreme poverty!
Stay up to date on how God is working in our ministry through the global body of Christ.
Copyright © 2023 Christ’s Hope USA, Inc. All Rights Reserved. | info@christshope.org