At three years old, Shia’s mother abandoned the family. This is a major heartbreak for any child. Shia’s mom left because her dad had been diagnosed with a deadly disease. Apparently, she just couldn’t face that future reality, so she left her sick husband and their five children in his care. Shia’s dad worked as a groundskeeper until he was too weak to do so, then they became homeless. At one point a school master had pity on them and let them sleep in a classroom at night, but eventually that was no longer an option. Unemployed and homeless, the children were not able to go to school and the family was hungry.
When Christ’s Hope was told about Shia, and her family’s situation, staff members visited them. They were able to welcome all of the children into a Ministry CarePoint, thanks to supporters in the USA. Shia and her four siblings were then sponsored, able to start attending school, be fed on a regular basis and get the medical help they needed. The family was even able to obtain housing and get off the streets. Can you imagine the burden lifted off of Shia’s father? Talk about light in the midst of darkness!
Shia is now thriving in school and says she loves reading and recess, but hopes to improve her math skills. At the Ministry CarePoint she enjoys hearing stories from the Bible about Jesus, and when asked what she prays for, she said, “For my dad to have enough money, healing and joy!”
Recently during the COVID-19 shutdown, Shia and her siblings were unable to attend the Ministry CarePoint where they were getting their regular meals. Their whole family had to be very careful to not get the Coronavirus, as her father and a few of her siblings have weak immune systems. This made it impossible for her father to feed the family, but because so many generous partners like you donated during this time, the Christ’s Hope caregivers were able to deliver food supplies to Shia and her family, as well as so many other families just like theirs!