I am reminded of a testimony I once heard from a preacher. He shared how he stood by his father’s deathbed and his father’s last words were: “If I could lead one more person to Jesus…”
One person, that’s what it’s all about. Individuals and their lives. Every human being, every life counts. The ministry of Christ’s Hope exists to make a difference in individual lives, one by one.
This manifested on the 31st of October last year. We celebrated a graduation party for about 20 children who had successfully completed primary school and were now transitioning to high school. With parents, children and many guests in attendance, it was a festive moment. However, it became very quiet when Jean, one of our children, shared his story:
“When my mother died, my aunt took care of me. When she also died less than two years later, all hope was lost… until I was recruited into a Christ’s Hope CarePoint. Suddenly, I could go to school and food was no longer a concern. Even if I was sick, they would take care of me. Suddenly, hope came back into my life.”
Christ’s Hope exists for kids like Jean. Children from whom all hope, by the circumstances of life, was stolen. Children to whom we have the privilege to bring the hope of Christ. That is what Christ’s Hope International has done for the 18th year in a row, in COVID times, and hopefully for many years to come.
Glenn Vantieghem
Africa Team Leader, Christ’s Hope International