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Donate now to double your impact through our matching challenge and reach even more children in 2024!

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Break Cycles, Build Hope

Celebrating 20 years of God transforming lives through people like you!

We’re thrilled to mark 20 years of ministry. Two decades of breaking the cycle of extreme poverty, disease, and spiritual brokenness. Two decades of lives transformed, hope restored, and communities uplifted through the power of God’s love and your unyielding support.

We think of the overwhelming number of children that have entered the program coming from broken homes, extreme poverty, sickness, abuse, and neglect. Children receiving an education, being nourished physically and emotionally, and discipled in Jesus Christ. Orphaned and vulnerable children transformed into confident, independent, God-fearing adults choosing to create a new cycle – a cycle of hope.

Imagine the lives we can touch, the hope we can ignite, and the futures we can shape if everyone gives just 20% more than ever before! This small increase can bring 20% more children into the ministry in 2024 and beyond, expanding the reach of children not only knowing God – but worshiping Him.


We are reminded of Vitalis, who was ten years old when he entered the Christ’s Hope program in Tanzania. His father’s passing left his family vulnerable, and his mother could barely afford to feed or provide for him and his four siblings. Vitalis was sponsored by a faithful couple in America who prayed for him, encouraged him, and supported him through his time at the CarePoint. Now, he’s graduating college and has started sponsoring a child himself – a cycle breaker caring for another, soon-to-be cycle breaker!

Why Christ's Hope?

Christ’s Hope is part of the global Body of Christ discipling and caring for orphans and vulnerable children in Africa. Together, we are supporting their education, nurturing their physical and emotional well-being, keeping them in the care of their families and communities and, most importantly, teaching them the Gospel. Join us in empowering these children to break the cycles of extreme poverty!

“I am so passionate about the children I work with. I know Christ’s Hope is changing lives. I want to give everyone who supports a hug!” – Faith, CareGiver

“If you are looking for a way to get involved in a ministry that has a mission and vision to see the nations discipled with the good news of the Gospel, I cannot think of an organization I’d recommend more highly than Christ’s Hope.” – JJ, Pastor

“Our sponsored child knows Jesus. He writes to us and in our letters back to him, we encourage his faith and promise to pray for him. What a rewarding experience!” – Rick & Sharon, Child Sponsors

Thanks to the generous support of people like you, over 1,800 children are being cared for and receiving the Gospel.


We think of Marcy, who joined the program in Kenya over ten years ago and was so impacted by the Gospel and the discipleship she received from her Caregivers that she became one herself! Now married with a child, she comes to the Becca Prange Ministry Center each day to disciple a new generation of cycle breakers.

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Join us in empowering children to break the cycles of extreme poverty!

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